Educational publication
1300 vmbo pupils (secondary school) participated in the project ‘Osse leerlingen maken kunstmeubels’ (pupils from Oss create art furniture). In collaboration with 14 vmbo teachers, artists and myself we’ve developed during the project several art lessons for secondary school. These art lessons are bundled in the educational publication ‘De kunstwerken van Maartje Korstanje’ (The artworks of Maartje Korstanje). One of the goals of the project was to share everything we’ve developed with other teachers in secondary schools. The educational publication was also presented on January 26, 2016 during a sharing session on the VO Cultuurdag (Culture Day) of LKCA where two vmbo teachers and I gave a presentation. The publication ‘De kunstwerken van Maartje Korstanje’ (The artworks of Maartje Korstanje)’ is digitally shown via wikiwijsleermiddelenplein, a platform filled with lessons for elementary – and secondary school. The publication is the first in the series ‘Aan de slag in je klas met hedendaagse kunst’ (Getting started in your class with contemporary art).
The project was financially supported by two Dutch funds Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.
Education vmbo project
On my initiative I’ve developed for Museum Jan Cunen (Oss, the Netherlands) -where I work as an education employee- a project for a secondary school. The project ‘Osse leerlingen maken kunstmeubels’ (pupils from Oss create art furniture) zoomed in on techniques of (contemporary) art. I made this choice because it suits vmbo pupils and the visual work made by Maartje Korstanje. I’m very proud about the educational publication that was based on this project.